
Pamela Schubert-Bob MHA, RN, NE-BC, CPN

I am a highly experienced pediatric nurse manager, who enjoys training, coaching, and mentoring others in the nursing profession. I also am passionate about finding ways to improve nursing systems and processes.

When recent graduates begin working in a hospital, they are eager to put their new skills into action. However, they typically focus on “today” tasks—such as monitoring vitals, inserting an IV, or administering medicine—without contemplating that patient’s “yesterday” or “tomorrow.”

It takes awhile to develop a feel for the big picture of a patient’s overall situation (current medical condition, medical history, treatment goals, family dynamics, etc.). For example, if we’re aiming to send a patient home in three days, what needs to be accomplished over the next 72 hours to ensure a smooth transition?

I specialize in helping nurses develop critical-thinking and problem-solving skills so they become adept at viewing their day-to-day work in the context of each patient’s big picture—so they are not just thinking about the current moment. This allows nursing staff to become increasingly proficient in making good, proactive decisions, instead of simply waiting for instructions.

Specialties: Pediatric nursing, adolescent medicine, people management, teaching, training, coaching, mentoring, family communications (involving parents and pediatric patients in deciding the care plan), eating disorders, cystic fibrosis, end-of-life care.
