Telephone Triage as Professional Nursing Practice

Pre-Course Activities

Pre-Course Activities

Before you begin the course, please read through the following continuing education instructions and disclosure information, and take a pre-test.

Activities Included:

Continuing Education Instructions and Disclosure Information


Pre-test Contact Hours

Module 1 - Telephone Triage: What is it? Essentials of Safe Care

Module 1 - Telephone Triage: What is it? Essentials of Safe Care


Telephone triage is complex, potentially high risk, and full scope practice. Organizational support, formalized training, practice standards, and most importantly, nurses who incorporate critical thinking and clinical judgement are necessary to deliver appropriate care advice. This module introduces telehealth concepts with a focus on telephone triage nursing practice and explains what it is and what it is not. The right mindset is essential to practice safely.

Learning Outcome:

Upon completion of this module, the learner will be able to explain telephone triage as it relates to professional nursing and telehealth.

Activities Included:

Pre-Assessment Questions, Handout, & References

Lesson 1: Telephone Triage - Essentials of Safe Care

Telephone Triage Readings

Test Your Knowledge: Telehealth Terms

Lesson 2: Triage vs. Non-Triage Telephone Encounters

4 Reasons Why Telephone Triage is Important

Test Your Knowledge: Triage vs. Non-Triage

Essential Elements of Telephone Triage

Test Your Knowledge: Critical Thinking and Clinical Judgment

Critical Thinking and Clinical Judgment

Collaboration and Continuity of Care

Organizational Necessities

Lesson 3: Misconceptions Part I

Shared Misconceptions

Misconceptions: Part II

Key Learning Points

Nursing Continuing Professional Development Contact Hour Evaluation

Module 2 - Telephone Triage as Nursing Practice: Basic Standards

Module 2 - Telephone Triage as Nursing Practice: Basic Standards


In this module, you will learn about the basic standards of practice in – and how they relate to – telephone triage. Then you will learn to use the nursing process to convey the complexity, significance, and risk associated with telephone triage and prepare yourself to provide safe and effective care over the telephone. Additionally, you will review the Code of Ethics and ethical dilemmas relevant to your role as a telephone triage nurse.

Learning Outcome:

Upon completion of this module, the learner will be able to describe how practice standards apply to telephone triage. 

Activities Included:

Pre-Assessment Questions, Handout, and References

Lesson 1: Standards

Test Your Knowledge: Nursing Process Definitions/Descriptions

Lesson 2: Assessment

Physical Exam/Assessment by Proxy: The Patient

Test Your Knowledge: Objective Assessment with Patient/Caregiver in Proxy Role

Test Your Knowledge: Assessment

Diagnosis, Outcome, Plan, Intervention, Evaluation

Lesson 3: Nursing Process Examples in Triage

Test Your Knowledge: Ensuring Definitive Care is Accessed

Key Learning Points

Nursing Continuing Professional Development Contact Hour Evaluation

Module 3 - Standards of Practice

Module 3 - Standards of Practice


This module covers federal, state, and institutional regulations and their impact on telephone triage nursing practice. Professional nursing practice is guided by a code of ethics, scope of practice, and practice standards, which lay out accountability, rules, and guidelines for practice. Telephone triage nurses answer to multiple authorities, and often these authorities have varying imperatives or competing priorities.

Learning Outcome:

Upon completion of this module, the learner will be able to describe how regulatory, professional, and accreditation standards apply to telephone triage practice.

Activities Included:

Pre-Assessment Questions, Handout, & References

Lesson 1: Regulatory Oversight

Test Your Knowledge: What Do You Know About Your State's Nurse Practice Act?

Review Your State’s Nurse Practice Acts and Regulations

Test Your Knowledge: Who Can Practice Telephone Triage?

Test Your Knowledge: Where are You Practicing Nursing?

Regulatory Oversight Part 2

Review the Nurse Licensure Compact

Test Your Knowledge: Confidentiality & HIPAA

Lesson 2: Professional Nursing Practice

Code of Ethics Review

Test Your Knowledge: Where Does the Code of Ethics Apply?

Scope and Standards of Practice for Professional Telehealth Nursing

Lesson 3: Accreditation

Key Learning Points

Nursing Continuing Professional Development Contact Hour Evaluation

Module 4 - Avoiding Risk in Telephone Triage

Module 4 - Avoiding Risk in Telephone Triage


This module explores nursing malpractice in telephone triage, recognition of common pitfalls, and clinical risk management strategies. To assert nursing malpractice/negligence in telephone triage, the four legal elements of duty, breach of duty, causation, and damage must all be proven. Avoiding the pitfalls described in this module will go a long way in minimizing risk associated with the practice of telephone triage. The clinical risk management strategies in telephone triage described in this module will ensure safe and prudent assessment, while also guiding the learner to remain vigilant to red flags that may appear.

Learning Outcome: 

Upon completion of this module, the learner will be able to discuss how to minimize risk associated with the practice of telephone triage.

Activities Included:

Pre-Assessment Questions, Handout, & References

Lesson 1: Legal Standards in Telephone Triage

Test Your Knowledge: Legal Standards Definitions

Meeting Legal Standards

Are You Liable for Telephone Advice?

Elements of Negligence

Lesson 2: Common Pitfalls in Telephone Triage

Test Your Knowledge: Pitfalls of Telephone Triage

Lesson 3: Risk Management Strategies

Risk Management Principles

Test Your Knowledge: Practice Imperatives Scenarios

Risk Management Red Flags

Key Learning Points

Suggested Reading: Legal Pitfalls with the Use of Case Studies

Nursing Continuing Professional Development Contact Hour Evaluation

Module 5 - Organizational Standards/Program Design & Implementation: Access, Call Flow, Staffing

Module 5 - Organizational Standards/Program Design & Implementation: Access, Call Flow, Staffing


This module will explore considerations for designing a telephone triage program, along with advantages and disadvantages of various telephone triage staffing models, how access affects the telephone triage process and decision making, and the significance of call flow and its potential impact on telephone triage outcomes.

Learning Outcome:

Upon completion of this module, the learner will be able to describe how program design and implementation can impact access, call flow and staffing.

Activities Included:

Pre-Assessment Questions, Handout, & References

Lesson 1: Access - Building a Successful Telephone Triage Program

Telephone Tally Sheet


Second-Level Triage

Chain of Command

Lesson 2: Staffing

Test Your Knowledge: Centralized vs Decentralized Telephone

Triage RN Skills and Traits

Lesson 3: Call Flow

Test Your Knowledge: Live Calls or Messages?

Patient Satisfaction and Sustainability of Live Answer

Live Calls vs Call Backs

Test Your Knowledge: Call Backs for Triage Calls

Call Back Scenario

Key Learning Points

Nursing Continuing Professional Development Contact Hour Evaluation

Module 6 - Critical Thinking

Module 6 - Critical Thinking


This module explores critical thinking and nursing judgment, competency in nursing practice, and the model of care delivery in telephone nursing practice. As you view the content in this module, critically assess your own practice and work setting. Some changes can be immediate, while other process improvement activities may take longer. While knowledge, experience, clinical competence, and knowledge of standards of care are essential to effective critical thinking, the role of attitude cannot be underestimated in the provision of care over the telephone.

Learning Outcome:

Upon completion of this module, the learner will be able to describe the roles of critical thinking and nursing judgment in telephone triage practice.

Activities Included:

Pre-Assessment Questions, Handout, & References

Lesson 1: Critical Thinking and Nursing Judgment

Test Your Knowledge: Critical Thinking: Supporting or Interfering?

Test Your Knowledge: Critical Thinking Components

Critical Thinking

Lesson 2: Critical Thinking and Clinical Reasoning

Test Your Knowledge: Decision-Making Using the Nursing Process

Test Your Knowledge: Critical Thinking and Use of the Nursing Process

Lesson 3: Competency in Nursing Practice

Further Reading on Competency in Telephone Triage

Lesson 4: The Model of Care Delivery in Telephone Nursing

Model of Care Delivery in Telephone Nursing Practice Readings

Model of Care Delivery in Telephone Triage Nursing Practice

Interpreting Information & Identifying Factors that Influence the Telephone Nursing Process

Key Learning Points

Nursing Continuing Professional Development Contact Hour Evaluation

Module 7 - Decision-Making

Module 7 - Decision-Making


This module will explore the various elements that impact decision-making in telephone triage. Specifically, it will describe the three triage categories as emergent, urgent, and non-urgent presentations, as well as the clinical implications associated with different types of decision-making in uncertain conditions.

Learning Outcome:

Upon completion of this module, you will be able to identify decision-making strategies used in conditions of uncertainty.

Activities Included:

Pre-Assessment Questions, Handout, & References

Lesson 1: Decision-Making in Telephone Triage: Seeing with Your Ears

First Impressions

Listen to Visualize

Decision-Making in Conditions of Uncertainty

Playing the Odds

Lesson 2: Triage Categories

Test Your Knowledge: Emergent Presentations

Lesson 3: Types of Decision-Making

Key Learning Points

Nursing Continuing Professional Development Contact Hour Evaluation

Module 8 - Communication in Telephone Triage

Module 8 - Communication in Telephone Triage


This module will explore characteristics of the call, interviewing techniques, call flow and communication skills, and factors impacting compliance, connection, and communication.

Learning Outcome:

Upon completion of this module, you will be able to describe how the elements of communication impact the telephone triage process.

Activities Included:

Pre-Assessment Questions, Handout, & References

Lesson 1: Communication Over the Telephone

Further Reading on Patient-Centered Care and Social Determinants of Health

Lesson 2: Interviewing Techniques

Test Your Knowledge: Communication Techniques in Telephone Triage

Further Reading: Interviewing Techniques

Lesson 3: Call Flow and the Necessary Communication Skills

Test Your Knowledge: Quality Self-Assessments

Lesson 4: Factors Impacting Compliance, Connection, and Communication

Further Reading: The Importance of Patient Compliance and How Communication Can Impact Outcomes

Test Your Knowledge: Communication Skills

Key Learning Points

Nursing Continuing Professional Development Contact Hour Evaluation

Module 9 - Systematic Assessment

Module 9 - Systematic Assessment


This module reinforces the importance of a thorough, systematic patient assessment as an essential element of an effective telephone triage encounter and the appropriate use of decision support tools and diagnostic thinking.

Learning Outcome:

Upon completion of this module, the learner will be able to identify the value of systematic assessment.

Activities Included:

Pre-Assessment Questions, Handout, & References

Introduction to Systematic Patient Assessment

Lesson 1: Systematic Patient Assessment

Lesson 2: Recognition of Emergencies

Suicide Assessment and Nurses: What Does the Evidence Show?

Pause to Ponder

Test Your Knowledge: Handling a Life-Threatening Emergency

Lesson 3: Contextual Variables

Lesson 4: Assessing the Presenting Problem

Test Your Knowledge: Applying POSHPATE

Lesson 5: Thinking Diagnostically

Key Learning Points

Supplemental Reading

Nursing Continuing Professional Development Contact Hour Evaluation

Module 10 - Clinical Pearls

Module 10 - Clinical Pearls


This module will discuss assessment considerations of high-risk clinical presentations, identify assessment imperatives for special populations, and recognize special circumstances and environmental factors.

Learning Outcome:

Upon completion of this module, the learner will be able to identify assessment clinical pearls to employ in telephone triage.

Activities Included:

Pre-Assessment Questions, Handout, & References

Lesson 1: High-Risk Clinical Presentations

Heart Attack Symptoms: Men vs Women

Stroke and OB/GYN Considerations

Test Your Knowledge: Post-Partum Depression vs Post-Partum Psychosis

Ophthalmology and Rashes

Lesson 2: Elderly and LGBTQIA+ Considerations

Lesson 3: Substance Use and Misuse - Alcohol Use and Misuse

Test Your Knowledge: Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms

Opioid Use and Misuse

Test Your Knowledge: Opioid Use vs Opioid Withdrawal

Lesson 4: Mental Health Considerations

Lesson 5: Intimate Partner Violence

General Pediatric Considerations Part 1

Test Your Knowledge: Developmentally Appropriate Bruising vs Suspicious

General Pediatric Considerations Part 2

Seasonal Illness & Resources

Key Learning Points

Supplemental Sheet of External Links

Nursing Continuing Professional Development Contact Hour Evaluation

Module 11 - Decision Support Tools

Module 11 - Decision Support Tools


This module will examine clinical decision support tools, also known as protocols or algorithms, and discuss their advantages and disadvantages.

Learning Outcome:

Upon completion of this module, the learner will be able to appropriately utilize decision support tools in telephone triage nursing.

Activities Included:

Pre-Assessment Questions, Handout, & References

Lesson 1: What is a Clinical Decision Support Tool?

Test Your Knowledge: Decision Support Tool Recommendations

Telephone Triage Protocols

Lesson 2: Advantages and Disadvantages of Clinical Decision Support Tools

Key Learning Points

Nursing Continuing Professional Development Contact Hour Evaluation

Module 12 - Documentation

Module 12 - Documentation


This module will explore the importance of documentation and why it is critical to a telephone triage encounter. Documentation should paint the picture of the call and the outcome recommendations. It is crucial for the safety of the caller that care providers can access all necessary information for follow up as well as account for the nurse's standard of practice and standard of care.

Learning Outcome:

Upon completion of this module, the learner will be able to identify critical elements in successful documentation of telephone triage encounters.

Activities Included:

Pre-Assessment Questions, Handout, & References

Lesson 1: Documentation Essentials for Telephone Triage

Lesson 2: Enhance Documentation by Using the Nursing Process

Test Your Knowledge: Documentation in the Nursing Process

Lesson 3: Incorporation of Systematic Assessment in Documentation

Test Your Knowledge: The SOAPIE Method and the Nursing Process

Key Learning Points

Nursing Continuing Professional Development Contact Hour Evaluation

Module 13 - Sharing a Common Understanding: Telephone Triage as Professional Nursing Practice

Module 13 - Sharing a Common Understanding: Telephone Triage as Professional Nursing Practice


This module will empower the nurse to recognize telephone triage as professional nursing practice, to communicate this understanding consistently and accurately to other members of the healthcare team, and to provide leadership in one’s own professional setting to facilitate safe and effective delivery of nursing care over the telephone.

Learning Outcome:

Upon completion of this module, the learner will be able to share a common understanding of telephone triage as professional nursing practice.

Activities Included:

Pre-Assessment Questions, Handout, & References

Thank you


Lesson 1: Foundational Tenets of Telephone Triage

Lesson 2: Analysis of a Bad Outcome

Lesson 3: Critical Thinking & Cognitive Bias

Test Your Knowledge: Common Pitfalls to Avoid in Telephone Triage

Test Your Knowledge: Check Your Bias


Nursing Continuing Professional Development Contact Hour Evaluation

Final Post-test

Final Post-test

Activities Included:


Certificate of Completion

Complete this evaluation to print a transcript for the course.

Activities Included:

Certificate of Completion