Care Coordination & Transition Management (147)

The CCTM online course and core text will help nurses solve the puzzle of fragmented patient care. It is an evidence-based, patient centered program designed to:

  • Improve patient outcomes
  • Enhance access to quality care
  • Decrease hospital readmissions
  • Decrease health care costs
  • Help patients navigate the health care system
  • Ensure continuity and seamless transitions among levels and settings of care
  • Work effectively in Patient-Centered Medical Homes (PCMHs)and Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs)
  • Improve the individual patient’s experience of care

Contact hours available until 7/1/2024.

Please Note: ANCC has determined it will not refresh the CCCTM exam. The credential will continue to be available for renewal only to nurses who already hold the credential. ANCC is exploring board certification(s) that align with population health needs for the future, and AAACN has been invited to explore in collaboration with ANCC.

For more information regarding CCCTM, visit the ANCC Website.

Please contact ANCC at for more information about how to renew your certification through ANCC.

The course includes an audio presentation, slides, and a PDF version of the corresponding core text chapter. Nurses will read the chapter prior to viewing the audio presentation. The course provides 26.4 contact hours.

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Additional sessions listed below fall into the category of care coordination and transition management, but are not part of our flagship course.

Care Coordination & Transition Management Products