Ginny Beeson is a nurse executive, consultant and educator with over 30 years experience in nursing. She was a Navy nurse for most of her career, Med-Surg being her clinical specialty. She taught leadership and management to nurses, doctors, and health care administrators in the Navy Medical Department for 6 years, and held numerous nurse executive jobs, including 2 Chief Nurse positions at large medical centers, and a tour as the Deputy Director of the Navy Nurse Corps, directing policy and programs for Navy nurses world-wide. She retired from the Navy in 2003 as the Chief Nurse Executive at The National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, MD. She now teaches and consults on nursing/healthcare leadership issues at hospitals and health systems around the country. She is a graduate of the Johnson & Johnson program for nurse executives at The Wharton School and a recipient of Nursing Management’s Distinguished Leader Award. She received her undergraduate degree from The University of Vermont and her graduate degree from Boston University, and is certified in Nursing Administration, Advanced.