
Sherry Smith MSN, MBA, RN

Sherry Smith has been the chief consulting officer with 3CT for over 10 years. She has over 20 years’ experience with telephonic health care services, including call center operations for both demand and disease management product lines. In addition, she works part-time for the Joint Commission as a disease specific care reviewer. Ms. Smith is a nationally recognized speaker on call center issues such as remote workforce management, legal concerns, CQI, standards and accreditation, shared governance, and hiring and screening telehealth candidates, along with operational issues. She is an active member of AAACN, having chaired the task force revising the Scope and Standards of Practice for Professional Telehealth Nursing, having served as a member of the Telephone Nursing Practice (TNP) SIG and Nominating Committee. She also has been published in ViewPoint. 
