
Dianne M. Cirillo MS, RN-BC

Manager of Ambulatory Care Coordination, Tampa General Hospital

Dianne Cirillo is the manager of ambulatory care coordination at Tampa General Hospital, where she brings over 30 years of experience. She obtained her BSN degree in 1991 from West Chester University in Pennsylvania and a master of science degree in nursing education from the University of South Florida in 2013. She has spent the last 20 years of her career in various ambulatory care settings, including home health, ambulatory oncology care, and transitional care. She performed in roles as education specialist and manager of nurse navigation before joining Tampa General’s ambulatory care services division. She has been certified in ambulatory care nursing since 2014, presented on the topic of ambulatory care nurse residency, published nursing research, and volunteered with AAACN as a test question writer for the certification study guide.
